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5 Ways to Improve the Structure of Your IT Team
Having the best equipment and most innovative technology doesn’t mean anything without a strong IT team. Motivated and talented team members will help your company achieve new goals and identify new opportunities, and they can directly affect uptime and compliance in the data center. Without a properly trained and focused IT staff, your data center could be in trouble. Here are 5 ways to improve IT team structure to drive compliance and uptime in your data center.
Instead of having a hierarchy in the workspace, offer open collaboration. This will influence IT workers to be self-directed, which will allow them to take responsibility in the data center.
- Have common goals and make sure everyone is on the same page. Having an overall company mission will help a team accomplish projects that are connected to their strategic goals. Keeping your IT staff engaged with common goals will avoid any opportunity of becoming complacent.
- All IT team members should have advanced knowledge in coding and scripting, security and compliance and database and analytics. You could even consider having your IT employees take a test before their hired to make sure they are up to par. If your IT team is not equipped with these skill sets, then you should either consider training your team or bringing in new talent.
- Value your team. If you see that your IT staff is lagging behind and not getting motivated to complete business-critical daily operations, then something isn’t right. Boost productivity by encouraging your team and praising them for what they do effectively.
- Good employees are worth the time and money. When hiring IT staff for a new data center or when adding additional team members, look for professionals with more experience. It may cost more to hire the expert, but it will benefit the data center more in the long-run.
Having a strong IT team in your data center will ensure a better work environment. Staying up-to-date with training and valuing your IT team members is a sure-fire way to make your data center space the most efficient in daily operations.
At Lifeline Data Centers, we value our team and want to invest in their success. Learn more about our team of experts by scheduling a tour with us today: