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Cyber security takes center stage at business conferences
Cyber security is increasingly becoming a hot topic globally, as small businesses to government entities come under attack by hackers. And experts across the nation are weighing in on the best way to accomplish that goal.
Here are some of the latest tips and advice experts are giving on how businesses can best protect their data and assets:
Understand that size doesn’t matter. Larger businesses get more publicity when attacked by hackers, but smaller businesses are equally at risk, according to Mechelle Mills, CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Central and East Texas. Mills told news reporters that five out of six large businesses were faced with cyber attacks last year, but “there was also an increase in smaller businesses being attacked and nonprofits because they are less likely to have a more secure system,” she said.
- Keep on pace with your understanding of cyber attacks. According to SysLogic application security architect Brice Williams, companies in Midwestern states are lagging behind those in other regions. “The East Coast and West Coast have a little greater maturity when it comes to cyber security programs,” he said.
- Invest in security experts. Williams told a group of Milwaukee business leaders that the best way for businesses to address cyber security shortcomings is through hiring experts who understand what it takes to build protective measures against hackers.
- Be proactive and collaborative. During comments at the Florida Center for Cybersecurity 2015 Annual Conference, former NSA Director Keith Alexander told attendees that businesses need to join efforts to develop a new approach to cybersecurity. . That approach, Alexander said, should be proactive, agile and adaptive. “The old reactive methods, which are based on static perimeter defenses, are not sufficient,” he said in his speech. “Innovative approaches begin with the capability to have visibility across a company’s network, and this visibility needs to be in real time.” That visibility will provide the transparency needed to identify the behavior of those engaged in malicious activity and cyberattacks, he added.
- Implement basic protective measures. According to Mills, it’s important not to neglect basic measures such as complex passwords and if possible, implementing a second security measure by having the site email or text codes before each log-in.
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