ISO 27001 | SSAE 18 SOC 2 Certified Sales: 317.275.0021 NOC: 317.275.0001
Physical Features of a Secure Data Center
Organizations trust data centers with the life and blood of their business: data. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of a data center is security. How do data centers keep the premises of a data center secure? Are the current methods keeping up with the increasing threats to business data? How many layers of security do you need to protect a data center?
Let’s take a look at some of the physical features that make up a secure data center.
Common and key security features of a data center include:
An enclosed facility is the primary security feature for a data center. An “everybody’s welcome” impression isn’t exactly what want to see. Secure data centers are manned by security staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Perimeter security is present in the form of physical as well as electronic surveillance.
- Any entry into even the outer premises of a building housing a data center depends on the identification and verification process conducted by the security staff. This is a primary step, even before the gate is held open, for entry. Physical security is as important as the virtual security provided by a data center, and the staff members on the security team play an important role in adhering to the rules..
- The use of biometric systems assists in the entry protocol of a data center building and is a reliable method of deciding what personnel can gain entrance. The top management of the data center decides on the list, and the necessary steps are taken so that no one can bypass these systems without valid permission.
- Mantraps are an essential addition and assist in detaining anyone who has gained unauthorized entry. This allows the security personnel to engage the wrongdoer and find motives for the unlawful entry.
While these measures are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to data center security, they are important ones. At Lifeline Data Centers, security is an integral aspect of our business structure and we have incorporated every single one of these elements into our physical data center security. Get in touch to learn more about our security measures that constantly evolve to deal with looming threats, or schedule a tour with us to see it for yourself.