SearchDataCenter – Containerized data centers: is a box a good fit?

Traditional data center facilities come with their own array of complexities, customizations and considerations. So, it may be hard to imagine getting a shipping-container-like box with server racks and cabling inside and plugging it into a power source and being happy with the result. But that’s just what Microsoft did in its 700,000-square-foot Chicago-area data center. Another tech titan, Google, also has containerized data centers. has asked if this technology is the wave of the future or just a niche solution suited for specific use cases. They found some companies utilizing the boxes to deal with some specific data infrastructure demands.

In this face-off, two data center infrastructure experts explain the merits and drawbacks of containerized or modular data centers.

more of the SearchDataCenter article from Laura Horowitz

Alex Carroll

Alex Carroll

Managing Member at Lifeline Data Centers
Alex, co-owner, is responsible for all real estate, construction and mission critical facilities: hardened buildings, power systems, cooling systems, fire suppression, and environmentals. Alex also manages relationships with the telecommunications providers and has an extensive background in IT infrastructure support, database administration and software design and development. Alex architected Lifeline’s proprietary GRCA system and is hands-on every day in the data center.