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Virtualization: The Natural Advancement of Data Centers
In recent years, data centers have undergone several major changes. Data center transformation and modernizing data centers lead to better savings and improved performance. Modern organizational IT infrastructures experience speedy growth, and therefore, it is important to upgrade the data centers.
Modernizing your data center has many benefits:
Network benefits
- Security benefits
- Cost Savings benefits.
Let’s take a closer look at how the new trends in data center will help reduce costs.
The cost of maintaining a data center includes staff, redundant data, hardware cost, software licenses, and more. In spite of these, companies build multiple data centers when they need only few.
Therefore, virtualization is the natural answer for reducing the operational costs.
Depending on how the current implementation is taking up space, wasting power, average utilization, the savings from virtualization can be enormous. As an example, compare the estimates of savings made by Tribune while working with CISCO:
- $2M cost savings due to less power and space consumption.
- $10M per year by utilizing idle processing and data stores.
- Computing hardware systems halved leading to lower staff usage.
- Data center floor space reduced by whooping 96%.
Therefore, companies should rationalize the number of data centers according to needs.
Data center virtualization primarily focuses on server virtualization. Organizations have started adopting virtualization because of its benefits.
Computing virtualization
- Using fewer servers reduces the hardware cost which is considered as the highest among all operational costs.
- Reduces power consumption which in turn reduces cooling expenditure.
- Provides easy maintenance.
- Provides backup server making BCP plan easier.
Storage Virtualization
- Reduces operational cost by reducing complexity.
- Utilizes resources to the highest.
- Increases the availability of applications.
- Meets application demands with increased performance.
Networking Virtualization
- Higher utilization of resources.
- Provides better security.
- Ease in maintenance.
To know more on how virtualization can help rationalize your data center both in terms of space and costs, please visit today.